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Enchanted Moon

Enchanted Moon is a group of Glitters that are inspired by our nearest heavenly body…Our Moon !

These colors are Enchanting you will get Moonstruck!


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Moon Beams

5 testimonios
De $800 CAD
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Moonlight Flight

2 testimonios
De $1100 CAD
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Blood Moon

4 testimonios
De $700 CAD
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1 testimonio
De $800 CAD
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Enchanted Starlight

3 testimonios
De $800 CAD
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Moon Flower

1 testimonio
De $1100 CAD
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Moon Child

2 testimonios
De $800 CAD
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Witching Hour

3 testimonios
De $1100 CAD
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Harvest Moon

3 testimonios
De $1100 CAD
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